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Downloading a quotation as a PDF file

You can download all filled out information of your quotation as a PDF file and use it e.g. for internal processing or printing.


Open the desired request and switch to the tab "Quotations". If an quotation is available, you will find it in the listing. Open the transaction by clicking on it.

Alternatively, you can call up the list of quotations directly from the menu on the left.

For this purpose, you have a button in all requests for which you have created a quotation.


If required, you can create and download a PDF from the offer. Use the printer button in the top right corner to do this.


Depending on the settings of your internet browser, the PDF file will open in a new browser window or you will be asked whether the file should be opened or saved. In both cases, a PDF file will be provided for you.


Example of a PDF printout:


PDF printout of a quotation

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