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Forgot password?

If you have forgotten your password, you can request a password link to the e-mail address to which the invitation to the RFQ was sent. Via the button "View RFQ", which is available in any automatic system e-mail, such as the invitation, the reminder or notification for changes e-mail (etc.), you can open the login portal.

Open any of the mentioned e-mails an click on “View RFQ”.


Button to open the login portal

If you cannot access or find one of the automatic system e-mails, here is the link:
FUTURA Smart - Login for suppliers.


“Forgot password” button

The standardized used browser opens and you will see the login portal for logging in as supplier.
Click on the button "Forgot your password?".

To receive the password link, enter the e-mail address to which the invitation to the RFQ was sent and click on the "Submit" button.


Entering the e-mail address


Confirmation of dispatch

A confirmation will appear and an e-mail with a password link will be sent to the e-mail address.

In the e-mail, click on the link "Click here to set a new password”.


Link to reset password


Change language

If the dialogue window for updating the password is not in your desired language, you can choose a different one as follows:

Create a new password that you will use for future logins and click on the "Submit" button.

The following password guidelines must be observed:

  • The password must contain at least 7 characters

  • The password must contain at least 1 lowercase letter

  • The password must contain at least 1 special character

  • The password must contain at least 1 number

  • The password must not match the last 3 passwords

  • The password must not be the e-mail address


Enter a new password 


Successfully changed password

If the new password meets the guidelines, you will receive a short information that the user account has been updated and you can then log in to FUTURA Smart with the new password and user e-mail address.

Here is the login link again:
FUTURA Smart - Login for suppliers

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